Resident evil revelations final boss
Resident evil revelations final boss

Unusually, though, that last aspect is stretched out into this 24-esque intrigue plot where we keep cutting away from the main story on the ship to play as other characters in other locations in flashbacks. When I say it's a whole new story, I mean it's a whole new Resident Evil story, meaning the same story in a different place: two or more arms specialists descend into a seemingly abandoned location with localized power generation and lots of tight corridors (in this case a cruise liner ) kill a whole bunch of humans whose hideous mutations did nothing to impede their impeccable sense of timing there'll be a hidden laboratory in the basement somewhere and someone you thought was good will turn out to be bad.

resident evil revelations final boss

But no, it's a whole new story, so the title's saying "Here are some revelations about some people and places you've never met or been to yet." Oh, well excuse me while I polish the edge of my seat. You'd think from this title that we're going to learn some dark secret that's been underlying the entire Resident Evil series, like that Chris Redfield isn't a natural brunette or something. I get the feeling whatever agency every sequel subtitle writer on Earth seems to use is playing a bit fast and loose with the whole "revelations" concept.

resident evil revelations final boss

Mercifully, though, there was also Resident Evil: Revelations on 3DS, not to be confused with Assassin's Creed: _, Tomb Raider: The Last _ or the Book of _.

resident evil revelations final boss

For weeks I reviewed crap XBLA games and fucking Sonic the Hedgehog waiting for some actual releases to come out, and when they do it's the latest SoulCalibur roster update of interest only to its niche audience and Final Fantasy XIII-2  another installment of the video gaming equivalent of a chorus line of parrots on an electrified wire being slowly lowered into a carnivorous miniskirt. Oh, what fishy odors we must endure as we labor between the thighs of fate.

Resident evil revelations final boss